Mother of a Monday... on a Tuesday

Monday, February 26, 2018

*I wrote this last Tuesday and never got it posted, but it it is still so relevant this grab some coffee and read on...

My friend Lee said those words to me earlier today. In her amazing southern accent that I can't get enough of.

"It's been a mother of a Monday... on a Tuesday."

My kids are home from school again today. This is day 5...and a half. Parent Teacher Conferences were last week and so they had a half day Thursday, off Friday for teacher in-service, off Monday for Presidents day, and today...oh today. I woke up at 5:35am to my phone ringing and heard the wonderful sound of their Superintendent cancelling school because of an ice storm.
Let's add in the fact that I have been sick for over a week, the house is a disaster, I needed to go to the store today, and we all have cabin fever after a lazy weekend.....

It's been a mother of a Monday... on a Tuesday.

Lee could say this because she is also having a mother of a day. Her 9 year old broke his finger and had to go to urgent care this morning. He now looks like he is part Hulk with his awesome green cast.

Even though both of us are having hard days, the kind that make us soul weary, the one thing we are both counting on is for Jesus to show up in the hard places. And boy does He ever.

After the phone rang at o-dark-thirty, I tried to go back to sleep. I just couldn't. I felt an urge to get out of bed (which is odd, cause mornings aren't magical). I even went out and made coffee. By the time I made it back to my room, hubs was up and starting to get ready. So, I did the thing my soul has been craving... I sat in the presence of the Lord.

Quiet space.
Bible open.
Calm mind.

I opened up to Isaiah 41. I love this book, and I really love this chapter. I opened to this same chapter on another rough day over 6 years ago while en route from Landstuhl, Germany to Dover Air Force Base in Washington DC. The 21 year old on the bunk above Jeremy had lost both legs, and was at risk of losing his right arm. While I was praying and reading my Bible on the flight, I ended up in Isaiah 41. I ended up asking this soldier if I could pray for him and I read these verses over him...

"But as for you, Israel my servant,
     Jacob my chosen one, 
descended from Abraham my friend,
9 I have called you back from the ends of the earth,
   saying 'You are my servant.'
For I have chosen you and will not throw you away.
10 Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
   Don't be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."

Isaiah 41:8-10 NLT

This morning, it was still as powerful but with new meaning. You see, today was rough because lately life has been rough. I am dealing with some chronic health issues that are unresolved. We are trying to buy a house. My oldest is in middle school (aka the armpit of parenting). It's just been rough.

Through all this, I truly believe that God has stood with us. He called both my husband and I out of dark places for a purpose, and I am not going to give up that notion.

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and maybe He is calling you out of there too.

What do you need right now? Is it more time in the word, or just some quiet? Maybe it's another cup of coffee... yeah, coffee would be nice right now.

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